I just wanted to say thanks for all of the nice inquiries about my arm. As it turns out, I can join the ranks of assembly line workers and video gamers who have repetitive strain injuries. Mine is due to years of typing away at work spaces that were more aesthetically appealing than ergonomically efficient.
While the recuperation period restricts my time with the computer (this post alone will send me searching for an ice pack and a Tramadol), the good news is that not much else is off-limits. It's nice to get out and move around in the real world when forced.

For any of you currently sitting in pretty lyre-back antiques or chrome mid-century numbers while using your computer, might I suggest you check the height of your desk, keyboard and monitor for
proper alignment. An injury of this sort is more annoying than painful, but it comes on without much warning and is a bitch to mend.
Photos from top: Venus de Milo, Julie Janklow's desk from Vogue Italia.