On Oprah last month, Ivanka Trump professed her love for competitive board games, like
Clue and
Cranium. And while I would love to own a beautiful, leather backgammon table from
Asprey, similar to the one above, there are plenty of versions out there for less than $10.
Since games make great gifts and enliven the forced family fun around the holidays, I thought I would list a few that have been getting good press this year.
Jack Spade Travel Scrabble from Neiman Marcus is a bit pricier than the original, but handsome and portable with convenient snap-in tiles.

The Fabric Swatch Memory Game from
Design Within Reach would make a great gift for budding designers.

Half the fun of Monopoly is playing with all of that paper money, but for those in a hurry,
Monopoly's new Electronic Banking Edition speeds up one of the world's slowest games.
Table Topics: Family Edition spark things up once the conversation runs dry.
Mexican Dominoes have been all the rage in various shelter mags of late. The colorful tiles may have something to do with that.
Play nice!