Of his New Bedford library he says, "It's my refuge of old-world heritage and elegance, my dream of England but filled with American energy. English style grew out of an attitude about everyday living. Their houses, whether cottage or grand estate, were the same, filled with old polished furniture, faded textiles, old plaid blankets, books and family photographs. It is not a constant race for what is next but rather an appreciation of what has come before. These are the feelings I would like my work to inspire. This is the quality of life that I believe in."
For a clip of the Ralph Lauren Spring 2008 runway show, click here.
I want a library like that!
Town & Country looks like a gorgeous mag! Yoo bad I haven't found it here in Sweden...
By the way, I really like your blog! It's my first visit here but I'll be back :-)
Thanks for visiting, vintage.
I just read that article yesterday, and that photo definitely caught my eye. I'm curious about the upcoming book as I'm sure there will be lots of beautiful photographs!
Well Ralph Lauren does definitely have his own distinctive point of view. You have to give him credit for that. But for my tastes I would like to clear up some of the clutter. Sorry Ralph.
Wow there's a lot of stuff going on in that library! However I do love his style and can't wait to see the book!
I love how Ralph Lifshitz from the Bronx, New York waxes on about how the English landed gentry live! It cracks me up. Somehow, you believe the fantasy he's created for his fmaily. Truth be told, I'd love to live his fantasy. What a life! What houses! He has the most impeccable style. Patricia - I love the clutter! the more the merrier, as long as Ralph is the conductor.
Little Ralph Lifshitz imagined quite a life for himself--and turned it into his reality.
Wow, definitely my kind of room! As for the clutter, I find it visually and intellectually stimulating. So much history and beauty.
Thanks for visiting my new blog, and for your kind comments. Hope to see ypu again soon.
Forgot to say, thanks for sharing this one. I've always loved this room.
I like how this one room combines all of his inspiration over the years. You can find elements of the American West, British Imperialism, New York penthouse and English cottage all in one space.
I love Ralph!! This library is gorgeous. Out of all the Ralph homes I've seen, his Bedford one fits my tastes the most. I cannot wait till this book comes out. It better have a lot of his Home collections over the years. Speaking of which, where in the world is my new Town & Country? It has not arrived in my mailbox yet. Must go to market and check it out.
Just to let you know I have nominated you for this award I have posted about on my Blog:
Patricia, Thank you so much. I am truly honored to be nominated by such a talent.
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