Detail of the Crum and Forster Building in midtown Atlanta. Photograph by Allen Sullivan for the Atlanta Journal and Constitution.
It looks like another one of Atlanta's architecturally significant buildings needed rescue from the landfill. Thank you, lady bloggers for bringing this story to my attention. Didn't any of you people with a wrecking ball see Wall-E?
What I meant is how you keep us updated on all the general happenings related to various buildings slated for demolition. Looks like you've been highlighting different sites.
Thanks. You know I love Atlanta, but have never liked how quickly our old buildings disappear. I find it sad how our history and architecture--not to mention our environment--is of such little value to some.
I love the helpful new "preserve" link you've added to your sidebar. Very convenient.
What I meant is how you keep us updated on all the general happenings related to various buildings slated for demolition. Looks like you've been highlighting different sites.
Thanks. You know I love Atlanta, but have never liked how quickly our old buildings disappear. I find it sad how our history and architecture--not to mention our environment--is of such little value to some.
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