Since Kendall Wilkinson's Dressing Room was such a hit, I thought I would post her attached bedroom for a San Francisco Showhouse. I am not sure if I could live in a room this bright, but I found the complimentary color scheme and chinoiserie elements intriguing. Notice the Lucite headboard? The practically invisible nature allows the hand painted wall to be the focal point behind the bed. Some items from the room, including the custom headboard are available now from 1st Dibs. (Photo from Traditional Home).
In other news, Traditional Home will unveil three versions of the 2007 Showhouse in Woodstock, Georgia on November 2nd (through the 16th). Designers involved are Barbara Westbrook, Laslie-Williams and Robert Brown, an impressive group with Buckhead cache. I have never been to the exurb of Woodstock, but the town has been garnering praise for it's "new urbanism" community, designed for live, work, and play within walking distance (a foreign concept to most Atlantans). I am curious to see how the project turns out.
Thanks for pointing out the lucite headboard. Earlier photos I've seen missed it. The room is definitely memorable and arresting. I can't stop looking at it, even though I wouldn't want it on a permanent basis :) Like Peak of Chic said, the designer was really brave here.
Also, good scoop on the Woodstock showhouse!
There are some photos floating around out there without the headboard or the wall painting. I am not sure if they were taken before the project was completed or if the room was re-constructed in another location. They are my favorite elements of the room though.
I think that whole point of a Showhouse is to do something different and memorable and this designer has achieved this with flair and panache. The painted chinoiserie over the bed reminds me of Gracie Wallpaper (that I have just done a post on). Also the lucite headboard is a fresh and new take. Bravo to Kendall Wilkinson.
I must admit, I did not really 'get' the the lucite headboard...why have a headboard at all? I thought the color combination in the room was very daring, though. I wonder what the room looks like at night. The designer says it really glows.
I was just at Wilkinson's shop a few weeks ago and got to see a lot of these pieces in person. The window treatments look great in person, although they would need to be used in the right room (they definitely catch your eye!). The lucite headboard is pretty interesting, as well as the chair from the dressing room. Any of these pieces would look great to create little jolts of interest in a room.
I guess the headboard is primarily to protect the painted wall. I am a Lucite fan, but as a headboard it may have a kitchen backsplash feel.
POC, I am so glad you were able to visit the shop. I have only learned of Threshold recently and would love to go on my next trip to San Francisco.
Patricia hit it on the perfect note - the entire point is to be a bit audacious, and certainly memorable. This room is a key example of designer bravery. Sometimes you really do have to force yourself to go over the top. Occasionally you go too far, but along the way I've made some nice discoveries when I went beyond my comfort zone and 'just kept going' for the sake of design.
Amazing space.
Wow--Woodstock,Ga. the model of New Urbanism is quite a stretch! But they are doing some really nice things in their old downtown, and this showhouse certainly sounds like a step in the right direction. I am so encouraged to see so many small towns around Atlanta putting so much effort into revitalizing their town centers. I am very much looking forward to seeing the work of all three designers.
I agree Laura. I just think it is funny that we keep building these "faux" downtowns when once upon a time we had real living/walking city centers that ultimately became ghost towns (5 points, Buckhead Village). Who's to say that it will work this time?
Ok, I'll say it, I hate this room! Sorry, but I do. I think it's garish. It seems like the commenters are skirting the issue by using words like "audacious" "memorable" "arresting" - maybe I just don't recognie good design when I see it anymore? Or it might be the colors that I don't care for. It certainly raises passion. It reminds me of a time, long ago when the show Trading Spaces was the one people stayed home to watch - they would design these horrible rooms and then justify it by saying, 'we trying to show America what you can do yourself, to think outside the box, to push the edge" - and then the owners were stuck with straw on their walls or fake flowers glued on their walls, or a room full of furniture made out of cardboard. Brilliant, you didn't really say what you felt about it, do you like it - other than the painted walls, which are beautiful. Great post - it caused real discussion, which is always so interesting to read!
Well said Joni. I appreciate the honesty. I hesitated posting it at all because:
a)I knew some people were going to hate this one.
b) I had mixed feelings about my own like and dislike of this room.
Parts of this room I really dig, but the color is not one of them--so much so that I had to post again just to move it off of my page--guess that shows my true colors. : )
Glad it has spawned a lively discussion.
I'll go out on a limb here and be the black sheep, but I love this room!! The master room in the villa we rented in Mallorca was a vivid blue and I just loved waking up in the mornings! I will say that I'm not sure if I would be brave enough to have this room in my home, but I do love it!
I love the lucite headboard and the hand painted wall behind it.
It is original in a time when originality is so lacking and so many are given to copying others designs. See Jackie's post on the fiasco in Domino magazine this month.http://jackiebluehome.blogspot.com/2007/09/designer-homage-or-blatant-rip-off-you.html
I know you have read it Brilliant, but other commenters might want to comment. My whole point here is that this designer has been original and creative.
Wonderful room . I don't know if I would put it in my home but it looks different and creativ!
The colors are so great - fun to know you could pick up a piece at 1st dibs!
I love how the room has a green wall and green chairs. It's cute how it complements each other.
-Zane of ontario honey
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