Set your Tivos! Starting today, Masterpiece Theater kicks off their new four-month series,
The Complete Jane Austen with
Persuasion. The best part: no Hollywood hotshots to upstage the source material, unless you count Colin Firth in the BBC's superior version of
Pride and Prejudice (airing February 10th). I knew 2008 was going to be great!
I saw a commercial for this - exciting!
I frappin' LOVE Colin Firth in "P&P!"
I still can't even believe they made another version of P&P. Nothing will ever compare to the BBC version! I love it!
I recently made my husband sit through all 6 hours of the BBC version of P & P and he watched the entire thing without complaint. Long live Public Television!!!
I've set my DVR and my never erase them. I'm watching Persuasion right now and loving it.
It sounds great. I love Colin Firth.
I had seen an ad for this, and was worried that I might have missed it. Going to set the TiVo right now! This is coming at a good time, since original episodes of my favorite shows are getting scarcer and scarcer with the writers strike, and the networks trying to preserve all of the originals they can.
Our Austen-fanatic good friends/neighbors are recording this while we watch The Jewish Americans. TV is a miracle.
Millie, you should do some posts contrasting the art direction of the BBC versions vs. Hollywood -- or a run down of the well-known homes used in all.
(Although in 2006 I tried to generate some discussion about Clueless and how cool it could've been with sets done in Hollywood Regency style -- the post was not met with applause :)
Well, Persuasion was wonderful. Looking forward to the next!
Thanks for the idea, Style Court. I will see what I can come up with.
Colin Firth is dreamy. I cannot bring myself to go near that Hollywood version of P&P for the life of me. The BBC version with dreamy Colin will forever be the only version I will watch. And watch over and over and over. I own the DVD's. It's a must!
I watched this last week, and am late for this week, but have it taping -- or whatever you call it when you can join in later, but from the beginning. It was fabulous!! Looking forward to this week's installment!
I have been thoroughly enjoying this Austen series! Love your new banner!
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