Madeline, the first of a series of books about an adventurous little French girl, was originally written and illustrated by Ludwig Bemelmans in 1939. Almost seventy years later, Bemelmans' grandson, John Bemelmans Marciano continues the family tradition with Madeline and the Cats of Rome, published this month. Even though Marciano never met his famous grandfather, he based his illustrations on the pencil sketches Bemelmans left behind.

As a lover of cats, Italy and mid-century children's book illustrators, I know this book is going on my wishlist.
Funny! I have a bunch of pix from Rome and there's always a cat or two in them!
Oh, I have another book with cats, an illustrated one that you will love.... running upstairs to fetch this one and tell you the title as I think you will love it too.
I'm going to add this to amazon wishlist as well. I've always loved the Madeline books- for both the story and illustrations.
(My cat jumped on my lamp as I was writing this!)
Madeline is my other all-time favorite childhood book. And I loved Orange B's nursery.
Have you ever seen Bemelmans: The Life and Art of Madeline's Creator ?
I think I need to add the Bemelmans Bio to the wishlist too.
I had no idea they were making this book, and I love Madeline,cats & live in rome! thank you again for a fun tip. my daughter will be so happy!
I can't wait to get this book! Wasn't there a Madeline/ Bemelmans exhibit at the High many years ago?
I missed the exhibit. I still have not been to Bemelmans Bar either--or I was not paying attention to the mural if so. The New York years are a bit fuzzy.
I love the Madeline books and
Cute picture at the bottom of you with the gattino randagio.
Happy Friday!!
i love this book...and laura's nursery is stunning.
we're a bit obsessed with madeline at my house. my 5 year old is dressing as her for halloween.
Such a cute nursery!
The kitten is the cutest little thing I've seen today. I wish I could be there and pet him or her. Cute little kittie.
-Zane of ontario honey
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