Favorite local gallery owner, Emily Amy (pronounced "ah me") has a new blog with some great tips on collecting contemporary art. I had to borrow a few to share...
- Emerging artists are not necessarily less talented than established artist, and they usually cost less too!
- Go with your gut when you are choosing art. Let it elicit an emotional response in you, and when it does, you will know it is right.
- Works on paper are always a great option when a little money needs to go a long way.
- Don't listen to the "rules," if you want to collect several pieces by the same artist, go ahead--it's your collection.
- Start small: if you can't afford large paintings, then buy small ones. They often have the same effect.
- Buy local - Whether it is a local artist or a local gallery, you will likely feel more of a connection with the piece and you will be supporting your local talent!

By the way, how gorgeous is that lucite table? It is available from The Paris Apartment.
I'm so glad you stopped by my blog for a bunch of reasons...first, to add yours to my blogroll, second to catch up on your gorgeous posts, and third, the second pic has my lucite table in it. We even renamed it the Domino after that came out.
How cool--I did not realize this is your table, which I LOVE!!! I am going to amend my post now.
Love your blog! Added you to my list of favorites! Enjoyed this post! Fun Fun!
I am going to check out this gallery. As much as I love art, I do not have enough of it. I have been buying small pieces for years, and really need to break out and buy a big statement piece!
It's so important to invest in orginal art. Emerging art is where you find the gems!
great tips millie, and lynn always has wonderful finds.
I don't think it is possible for me to adore that Hartig room any more than I currently do, but I'm going to keep trying. ADORATION doesn't even begin to describe! Thanks for the reminder. Have a fabulous weekend darling!
This picture just appeared in my brand new issue of Living etc... I had no idea it was previously run in Domino.
But the house is gorgeous, and the lucite coffee table is to die for!
Love your blog!
Hey, great blog-thanks for mentioning my house....I just wanted to set the record straight regarding the lucite table in my living room....I did not purchase it from the Paris apartment...I bought it from an antiques shop on Montana ave. in Santa Monica ,CA. It was designed by a women named Rose London in the 70's......people at Domino had told me someone was knocking off the table after they saw it in the magazine...........they have the good taste to knock off my table but they aint super honest......thank you most kindly, Johnson Hartig
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