To celebrate, I am marking my calendar for Atlanta's 70th Anniversary of Gone With the Wind. The April 19th event, which coincides with the Atlanta Film Festival, will include discussion panels, multiple receptions and concludes with a screening of GWTW at Atlanta's historic Fox Theater.

The premier of Gone With the Wind in 1939 at the Loew's Grand was considered to be one of the most exciting events in Atlanta's history. In case you are wondering why the anniversary celebration is not being held at the original theater, please refer to the link in my sidebar regarding historic preservation.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Tickets (at $10-$15) will be available via Ticketmaster beginning February 16, 2009. For more information, visit the Margaret Mitchel House website.
I think that picture says it all!
swoon worthy!!
Happy Valentine's Day!
(I went to Margaret Mitchell Elementary School in Atlanta)
Happy Valentine's Day Millie!
I'm a huge GWTW fan!
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