The moment I have been dreading has arrived--it's time to choose the trim color. Why paint at all? Well, because the previous owner left us with absolutely every surface coated in a shade that looks like a manilla folder that was left in the smoker's lounge at the airport for 20 years.
I am ready for things to start looking fresh and clean and not so much like this...

Or this...

But even with all of those semesters of Color Theory behind me, I still believe that choosing the perfect white is a mind-numbing crapshoot complicated by a myriad of latitudinal factors. The only thing I firmly believe, is that better quality paint yields the best results (unfortunately for my wallet). So, back to the paint store I go for more samples.
(Extra points if you can name those teeth).
For me, it is easiest to pick a trim color and stick with it.
My neighbor is preparing for her 40th birthday celebration, and had the trim painted to get the house in tip top shape. She realized that she had 5 different trim colors going on.
For me - I always go with Ben Moore white dove for the trim, it makes life easy. Check out the colour me happy blog (I have her on my sidebar), she is a paint color expert and has some great posts on trim color.
Ah--thanks for the link. It is amazing how overly complicated I am making this chore.
Great post. I like to keep the trim color consistent throughout the house. If touch ups are needed, it's not nearly such a hassle.
I just linked a 2007 post of yours on my blog. The Golden Isles. Hope you like it!
Love your blog!
Oh, and the teeth--Hillary's aren't that stained are they?
Humm, what about Shirley Jones? No. Hers couldn't be that bad.
Oh well. Fun trying anyway!
Are those teeth Vivienne Westwood?
Haha... Love that old computer! Reminds me of the one my dad got for his office about a million years ago.
Luckily, that BM paint is gorgeous.
As for the teeth... someone British?
OMG ...those teeth ....hilarious !
Nice to see you back - as a color consultant i totally empathize with your desire to find the right color but you are right the better quality the paint the better results you'll get.
Those look like magaret thatcher's teeth!
Granny Smith Green had it--those are Hillary's golden chompers. I am sure she would be thrilled to be confused with Margaret Thatcher!
Reminds me of the toothpaste commercial where a young teacher is asking her students what color is grass, her sweater, and then her teeth. They answered with colors like beige, off white, and then my fave: mother of pearl. So glad you're back and can't wait to read more of your decorating adventures!
I love that a kindergartener in that commercial said her teeth were "ochre". Ouch.
But yes, trim color that reminds one of stained teeth is no good.
Ah, I knew it had to be a politician! Poor Hil. Totally cracking up about a little kid saying "mother of pearl."
Good luck with the white!
this cracked me up! I had that computer as a kid - we played lots of 'pong' on it.
as for the teeth, hilary?
there is NO excuse for teeth that color these days. And that is sorry dental work as well. I'm shocked that is her!
I just like to use solid colors in my house that aren't risky. Blue and red are pretty safe colors. I'm not as wild as other people that use pink or orange. I want to try those colors out some time though.
-Zane of ontario honey
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