There are only three weeks left to see "Annie Leibovitz: A Photographer's Life, 1990-2005" at the
High Museum in Atlanta. A special gallery talk and tour of the exhibition will be led by Julian Cox, the High's Curator of Photography, this Thursday night at 6:30. It is open to members and public with museum admission in the Wieland Pavillion.
From the Leibovitz collection, this pensive portrait of Philip Johnson (2000) looking out of the Glass House was a standout. For a look inside,
Habitually Chic did a fantastic post on Philip Johnson's masterpiece the other day.
Upcoming at the High are two more lectures that look interesting:

Judith Miller of Emory University will lead a lecture, "Sensational Scandals on the Eve of the French Revolution", linking arts and politics in the late 1770's and 1780's. Saturday, September 1, 2 p.m. in the Hill Auditorium and free to members and the public with museum admission.
Ronald T. Labaco, the High's Curator of Decorative Arts will lead his "Masterpiece of the Month" series, this time highlighting a Rhode Island Chippendale Secretary (Desk and Bookcase), ca. 1760-70. Thursday, September 6, 7 p.m. in the Hill Auditorium and free to members and the public with museum admission.