I realize I have been bad about showing the "before" without the "after", so here is a glimpse of the freshly painted trim. (Pardon the weird upshade angle and the umpteenth use of Osa Johnson's book. Better photos coming soon!)
Right now you are probably thinking, "White. How creative.", but toning down the yellow really did make a huge difference and was well worth the hassle. Have not decided on a wall color yet, but for now I am not minding this creamy shade of neutral.
Looks great! I think those chairs were such a great decision. And I love your classic brown furniture in the mix.
Love the color! Your mantel and chairs are beautiful- and I also am a huge fan of the throw pillows, where are they from?
Love the new color...it looks great!
Thank you. Once upon a time, every piece I owned was classic brown and classic hand-me-down. I feel like I am finally getting to the point where I can hold on to the wood pieces I really love (while the rest go in storage).
The pillows are Hable Construction from Pieces. The chairs are from the Scott Antique Market and are recovered in inexpensive linen from Lewis and Sharon.
Those chairs are great! I visited Scott's for the firt time while visiting Atlanta this past January and could kick myself I didn't frequent it more often when I lived in Tallahassee! You Atlanta girls have it good!
hello beautiful and inviting! so happy you (finally) posted a pic;-) i'm all for calm and neutral, nothing wrong with sticking with the classics. looking forward to more.
Looks great! Can't wait to see more.
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