My time working with Joye was brief, but she was instrumental in reintroducing me to the Atlanta design world after my time in New York. Her appreciation for contemporary art was equal to her knowledge of American antiques and I credit her for acquainting me with the local galleries and the work of artists like Peter Garfield. Her basement studio was also where I got to know Lee Kleinhelter of Pieces when we were both working as Joye's design assistants years ago.

We will miss you Joye.
(Photographs by Erica George Dines for Southern Accents, November/December 2008).
What a lovely tribute. It's very sad about her illness.
So sad. She was a good designer and a nice person.
Yes lovely tribute Millie. I thought the Hanukkah feature turned out so well and I'm glad they ran it.
Lovely read and photos.
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Beautiful photos and an equally beautiful tribute Millie!
Hi Millie, well written. It just doesn't seem real? I'm disappointed I missed the service. She would be so proud of everything your doing!
I'm Joye's son. Thank you so much for your thoughts and tribute to my mom. It's truly overwhelming to realize how many people she influenced and inspired. She will be sorely missed, but it is comforting to know how fondly she'll be remembered.
- Adam
Indeed, well written, Millie.
Joye was such an amazing and talented person. I worked with her at Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles and produced this story with her when I was at SA. I can't believe we photographed that last December. What an amazing person. Thanks for the tribute. Her service was remarkable and such a loving tribute.
Wow. Beautiful style, beautiful photos. Thanks for this post. I hadn't heard of Joye Hirsch prior to this. Now I am sad that I missed her!
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