I was at the Coldplay concert during the Top Design finale, but I finally had a chance to catch up with it on Tivo.
Now that all is said and done, I have to comment on what a VAST improvement this second season was over the initial run. The final contestants were bigger talents, the spaces were more challenging and the addition of India Hicks and Jeff Lewis was welcomed. But most notably, the ear-bleeding opening from Season One (complete with pillow fight) is gone. It's a miracle that anyone made it past the first 20 seconds of the last go round.
This season, I laughed, I cringed, and at times became so inspired that I would pause mid-show to start projects in my own house. I won't spoil the winner in case you are a late viewer like I was, but just wanted to say nice work Bravo! I am keeping my fingers crossed there will be a Season Three.
wild lighting !!
Okay. Now, I didn't think Nathan deserved to win, but I did think he had moments of greatness.
I want to see less of Margaret Russell's cleavage. Sincerely.
I agree that Eddie should not have gone home on that last challenge and, in fact, just discovered his blog and may add it to my blog love! He's very handy.
And, paper plates aside, I did sort of love Nathan's chandelier
Why does Google always cut my name off when I sign in from another computer?
It was me, Hello Gorgeous. How you doin'?
I knew it was you hello. I still don't know why google always puts my name in ALL CAPS when it appears on other people's blogs.
Margaret's hair and style of dress was so conservative. I guess the cleavage is where she gets crazy.
i liked the show, but the judges are so awkward!! :)
ps. so happy about the election, too!
I just finished watching my TiVo of the last two episodes. I was secretly hoping Ondine would win, as she was the one I singled out at the beginning of the season (all because I liked an ad that she styled a few years ago, and of course, the SATC connection).
I absolutely loved Top Design this season, and really enjoyed the personalities and immense talent of the designers.
What I took away was the importance of taking chances in design. It might be a little easier when you are on a show and rewarded for going on a limb, versus working for a client. However, there are small but meaningful ways that everyone can make a statement, both in design and in life. Who knew Top Design would make me so philosophical?
I absolutely loved Top Design this season, and really enjoyed the personalities and immense talent of the designers.
Agreed! I don't even remember last season...didn't stick around for the end.
I loved to see the judging mixed up, and liked Todd Oldham in the mentor role. How old is Margaret Russell, anyway?
Next season, we need a design blogger on that show!
I have yet to see my Tivoed one too, as we were traveling during the season finale. I sort of lost interest when Eddie was dismissed.
Nathan is quite talented and always full of design surprises.
You went to Coldplay!?!? I bet it was amazing. They're one of my favorite groups of all time.
I've watched off and on, but agree that the second season is definitely an improvement over the first.
The last episode I saw was the one where Eddie went home. I didn't think his design was as bad as some of the judges made it out to be. I can't say that he was my favorite, but I think we'll be seeing more of him.
Speaking of third seasons, it'll only be what, a year, before Mad Men comes back. My Sunday nights just aren't the same.
great lighting
Love that paper plate lamp! Genius! Nathan had a well-deserved win in my opinion, though Preston is indeed very talented. Hopefully there will be a Season 3. It felt like an eternity between Seasons 1 and 2.
Totally agree, Thanks for sharing such a nice post. Truely involving...
Please keep up the good work. Appreicate you efforts for sharing.
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great lighting and wonderful work
I find it difficult to add comments in the presence of praising commments. But one thing for sure the Post's awesome.
Waaaoooo great,
But frankly speaking the post's great. Really contributing to knowledge. Keep on sharing good ideas...!
If you get the idea and tracked it down do let us know about your findings.
Hmmmm.....for some reason Not so good for the little ones....but VERY good for the adults!
The post give a look classic in modern back ground. But even then every thing seems fit in well.
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